Friday, July 24, 2009

Dumbest chick on the planet

Have you ever felt like you just aren't as smart as the people around you? Then you should move to California and live near this chick who makes Miss South Carolina look like Einstein. I cringed through this whole video, it makes me so uncomfortable.

Some of my favorite quotes are:

"we live in california, this is our home, this is where we live."

"you freeze the fruit and vegetables and it will last forever"

"food is free... we only have to pay for the land... but the land is free... so we dont have to pay"

"the machine can make it for us"

"they're very good at making things"

"on the east coast they have slaves and slavery and made in china"


  1. the food is free so we shouldn't sell it, i mean it's free we should sell it at the farmers market. GOD i hope one day i could have an original idea like that. She deserves some sort of Nobel Prize.
