Friday, July 10, 2009

This is going to drive me insane

I mentioned in an earlier article that the new Muse album was my most anticipated album release in years. I learned that some mortals have already heard it and have tweeted and tried to describe it. After reading their description, it just makes me want to do anything I can to listen to it this immediately. I would easily rob a bank or 'kiss a dude*'

Here are some of the reviews.

"A beautifully recorded, strong, sweeping, fighting, uplifting, rocking, lilting and inclusive record about love."

"the most focused recording that Muse has ever come out with"

"the 3-part Exogenesis symphony, which fits seemlessly into the rest of the album, is the most ambitious project that the band has ever pulled off."

"There are massive riffs in there, there are quirky pop songs in there, there's all sorts of wonder in there, it is absolutely amazing"

"Incredible masterpiece,"

"the band succeeded to express art to a high degree, which consist with accessibillity"

and my favorite

"An Authentic Miracle."

The album's track listing was revealed on 3 July 2009.

  1. "Uprising" – 5:02
  2. "Resistance" – 5:46
  3. "Undisclosed Desires" – 3:56
  4. "United States of Eurasia"/"Collateral Damage" – 5:47
  5. "Guiding Light" – 4:13
  6. "Unnatural Selection"
  7. "MK Ultra"
  8. "I Belong to You"/"Mon Cœur S'ouvre à ta Voix"
  9. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)"
  10. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part II (Cross Pollination)"
  11. "Exogenesis: Symphony Part III (Redemption)"

*qoute from smilesfunsmore


  1. before the prof started presenting 12oz nation with Muse I had never heard of them, but I think I'll give them a look. Thanks Prof.

  2. nice picture, used it in my photography presentation
