Friday, June 19, 2009

GOAT of the week- Method Actors

Method actors are freaks of nature and are the best at what they do. There are many legendary method actors, but I am only going to introduce 3.

3. Heath Ledger

"Heath refused to talk to anyone out of character. If you tried to communicate with him normally instead of The Joker, he would just ignore you.”

"He would often come to the set to hang out even on his days off, freaking everyone out. Towards the end of filming, he was warned by people that he had gone too far, but it was almost like he couldn't connect with those who cared for him anymore."

2. Daniel Day-Lewis

In preparation for his role as Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York he took up an apprenticeship as a butcher and during his breaks during filming would frequently sharpen his butcher’s knives. He was also diagnosed with pneumonia on set after continuously refusing to wear warm coats as they ‘wouldn’t have existed in the 19th century’.

For his role in the Boxer, he trained for 18 months with former world champion Barry Mcguigan who later said that he could definitely have been a professional boxer.

For the Crucible, he etched tattoos onto his own body.

1. Bale

He lost 60 pounds on a diet of salads, apples, gum and cigarettes to become the emaciated and depressed Trevor Reznik in the critically-acclaimed film "The Machinist."

As soon as he found out he was to play Patrick Bateman he started visiting the gym every day to gain the physique needed, this carried on throughout filming: after every session on set he went to the 24hr gym. "On the set we called him 'Roboactor' because his continuity was always flawless. At one point one of the other actors came over to me and said "(the business card scene) Christian breaks into a sweat at EXACTLY the same point in the scene every time!" It was almost scary. He also refused to socialize with anyone to keep the attitude.

For JT Marlin...............