Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Making a case for FLASH

Growing up in the ruthless, hard-knock city of Newburyport kids were faced with so many problems in life that they had little time to go out and play in the backyards pretending to be their favorite Super Hero. But when we did we went big time, throwing sheets over our shoulders for capes and goggles over our eyes. Soaring from the top of the swing-set, climbing over boulders, using our fake Batman utility belts to throw bat stars at roaming cats around the yard. The selection of Hero's my friends made was typical: Batman, Superman, The Hulk, and even Captain America. I was different though, I had no ability to fly, I couldn't shoot lasers from my eyes, I couldn't pick up trucks over my head and toss them through a building. However what I could do was sneak up behind you with my super sonic speed and smack you in the back of the head, because I was Flash, the fastest being to set foot on Earth. 

I have always been a believer that more kids should aspire to be a hero like Flash instead of the typical characters. Flash can't lose a fight because he can never be caught. As soon as you think you've got him... boom he's gone in the blink of an eye. You think Superman is fast? Flash runs circles around Superman. Batman? Please. The Hulk? That giant Shrek couldn't dream of catching my man Flash. The only person I see that has any chance is Mr. Freeze and only if he somehow freezes Flash at the perfect moment, but even that would be complete luck since he would have no idea where Flash is because he's too fast to be seen. 

So kids here is your life lesson of the day. Don't follow in the footsteps of the common Super Hero, dare to be different. Say no the good doers like Superman, Batman, and The Hulk. It's time you discovered.... FLASH.

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