Thursday, June 25, 2009


These two young prodigies have more in common then one might think. For example they both have uncanny floor leadership whether its Rubio pointing out open lanes for his 30 year old teamates or if its Rufio teaching 8 year olds how to slice a coconut in half in mid air with a sword. Both are cocky and have been known to lose their cool. Rubio tends to roll his eyes and yell at the ref, a clear sign of his immaturity. Rufio goes in a different direction as he calls Pan a slug eating worm and an oil dripping, beef fart sniffing bubble butt. He then goes on to call him a fart factory, slug slime sack of rat guts and cat vomit, cheesy scab picking pimple squeezing finger bandage, a week old maggot burger with everything on it and flies on the side. These two also have their differences. One rides a skateboard a with sail on it down rollercoasters in trees while the other flies first class with euro chicks. Rufio became real jealous of Pan when he stole all his thunder, and Rubio is about to get real jealous when steph curry and johnny flynn get drafted before him.

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